October 28, 2008

Registration for Spring 2009

To West Side Little League families:

Registration for Spring 2009 for West Side Little League will open MONDAY, DECEMBER 1ST, 2008 AND WILL BE ONLINE ONLY.

To register, please go to www.westsidebaseball.org at that time, and click on the link to register. The fee to register for Spring 2009 is $150.00. If you require financial assistance for registration, such as a partial or full fee waiver, please email our website at info@westsidebaseball.org PRIOR TO REGISTERING.

If you have difficulty registering online, please contact customer support at active.com at 1-877-228-4881. Our online registration will close on SATURDAY JANUARY 31st, 2009. Our slots fill up quickly, so please do not delay your registration, and register as quickly as possible if your child intends to play WSLL in the Spring of 2009. Also, when you register, please take careful note of what category or division your child will be playing in, and make sure you register for the correct category.

NOTE THAT GIRLS SOFTBALL is a separate Category with its own Minors, Majors and Junior/Seniors divisions.

If you have questions about this, email the website. On the website are answers to frequently asked questions about West Side Little League. Please make sure you read this information carefully before registering, and take special note of the fact that if you know your child will be missing more than 2 games over the course of the season, or if you think attendance will be an issue, HE/SHE SHOULD NOT BE REGISTERED TO PLAY. Children who miss games over the course of a season not only have a difficult time themselves becoming part of the team, and really learning the game of baseball, they also have a negative impact on their team members who count on everyone's full participation, and this then becomes an even greater challenge for our Coaches. Remember that being on a team is a commitment, not only on your child's part, but on your part. Your cooperation with this is appreciated in advance, and will help ensure a smooth and successful season.

The Spring 2009 season is tentatively set to begin on Saturday, April 4th for most divisions and will end on Sunday, June 14th. There are no scheduled games on Memorial Day Weekend but games are scheduled on religious holidays.

The following is the TENTATIVE game schedule for different age groups, subject to permits and field availability

6's--Sundays AM's at 77th & Riverside
7's--Saturdays AM's/early PM's at 77th & Riverside
8's--Sundays all day at 72nd & Riverside
9's--Saturdays all day at 72nd & Riverside and Friday Eve at 72nd & Riverside
Middles All 10's and some 11's)--Saturday and Sundays, all day at 103rd & Riverside South
Majors (All 12's and some 11's) --Saturdays and Sundays, all day at 103rd & Riverside North
Juniors/Seniors (13-18) --Saturdays AM & PM's --North Meadow Central Park
Challengers--Sunday PM's at 77th & Riverside

Minors-Coach Pitch (8-10's) Saturday AM's at Morningside
Majors Kid Pitch (9-12) Saturday and Sunday PM's Morningside & Riverside. Possible Sunday AM game
Juniors/Seniors (12-17) Saturdays and/or Sunday 4pm at 103rd Riverside & Inter-league locations

Team placement and exact schedules will be e-mailed to you sometime in March by your Division Head and/or Coach.

This is a VOLUNTEER League and we need EVERY parent to sign up for a volunteer position.

Please e-mail the website at info@westsidebaseball.org. if you are interested in running or assisting in the following League-Wide Positions:
PHOTO DAY COORDINATOR (organizes Photo Day in Spring Season)
FIELD PREP COORDINATOR for 72nd and 77th Street fields--organizes Field Prep/Storeroom Clean-out and delivery of Field Supplies in late March before season begins.
ASSISTANT EQUIPMENT MANAGER--helps organize Equipment Packing up at Manhattan Mini Storage
ASSISTANT SPONSORSHIP COORDINATOR--helps solicit sponsors and mailing out thank-you plaques.

6's DIVISION HEAD-- Administering T-ball Division for Spring 2009. We are looking for someone with a 5-6 year old about to enter the League.
SPONSORSHIP is a vital part of the West Side Little League budget--last season sponsorship money helped pay for the fence extension up at 103rd, skills clinics as well as routine expenses such as uniforms, equipment, storage, gym rental and insurance. It costs $800 per team and you can put your Company or your Family's name on the back of the uniform.

For more information please e-mail the website at info@westsidebaseball.org.

Thanks, everyone, and if you have any questions, feel free to email the website at info@westsidebaseball.org.

Sincerely, West Side Little League Registrar and Board

Posted by MG at 10:04 AM